News Articles
LMS will be opening our sprinkler system starting Monday, April 13th. Please have your sprinkler turned on by 8:00am the morning you are scheduled. Please do not ask the LMS workers to come to you; they are working in an order to keep things more efficient. The work will be done between the hours of 8am-5pm on the date you are scheduled. REMEMBER YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE HOME TO HAVE YOUR SPRINKLERS TURNED ON. SIMPLY TURN THE MAIN VALVE ON AND TURN YOUR CONTROL DIAL (ON THE SPRINKLER BOX) TO THE ON POSITION. BUT IF YOU NEED YOUR CONTROL BOX CHECKED OR RESET YOU MUST BE HOME FOR LMS TO HAVE ACCESS. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO OPERATE OR RESET YOUR CONTROL BOX NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO HAVE LMS SHOW YOU AND SET IT UP FOR THE SEASON. IF THEY HAVE TO RETURN LATER TO SHOW YOU THERE WILL BE A CHARGE INCURRED. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW HOW TO OPERATE AND RESET THEIR CONTROL BOX. LMS HAS AGREEDED TO HAVE SOMEONE FROM THEIR IRRIGATION DEPT. COME IN AND SHOW ANY NEW HOMEOWNERS OR RESIDENT WHO NEED A BRUSH UP ON HOW TO OPERATE THEIR BOX. If you feel you could benefit from this, please give me call in the office. At this time you should also check and change your 9 volt battery in your control box. This should be a smooth operation with minimal problems; all plugs have been checked and are in place prior to start up. If you have any questions give me a call at the clubhouse 866-0788.
Schedule as follows:
4/13- All of Derry meeting/Clydesdale Ct.
4/14- All of Gainsborough Ct/Cotswold Circle
4/15- All Narrowbrook